Friday, November 27, 2009

_jess_ need more arthers.

Hi chobots, You may know jess not jessie2000 the agent _jess_. She need more arthors for here blog.To post on if you go on her is at if you put your blog and your chobots name then put then put your age of your chobots but put it on the coments not mine _jess_ blog.

New clothes are here!

Insted of waiting for rain pie shirts why not u bye pie shirts at the shop you even get to pick your own color. Now girls you may not notice there no's dress lately, but loook now at the shop one dress you pick a color. This is done for non-citzens that means the pie shirts and the dress are not for citzens! Ok now im sorry citzens you got a caveman outfit. Here what they look like.
nikki'S chobot blog! (: